In order to keep its collection alive, useful, and accessible, the Library will maintain an active and continuing program of weeding. Weeding, or the removal of obsolete, damaged, and inappropriate materials for the purposes of discarding, is an integral part of the collection development process.
In general, candidates for weeding include:
Items that should not be weeded:
Responsibility for selecting items for possible withdrawal from the collection lies with the entire college community. Faculty in academic departments are expected to actively participate in the decision-making process regarding removal of materials. All librarians participate in the weeding process in consultation with appropriate subject area faculty.
Items currently being considered for removal from the Serials and Reference collections on the main floor. Please note: some items are being moved to other locations rather than discarded, the spreadsheets include the planned action for each title.
Serials criteria:
Reference criteria:
The spreadsheets will be updated as the project progresses. Please contact April Davies ( if you have any questions or want us to keep something in particular.
[lists will go here]