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FWLD 101: Natural Resource Conservation: Annotated Bibliography

This guide was created for the FWLD 101 Library Lab.

Northeastern Naturalist Citation Style Guide

hellbender salamander all brown underwater

Common Citations in NE Naturalist Style

Citation Type
Complete Citation
In-Text Citation
Journal Article Brodie, E.D., Jr., M. Barnes, and E.D. Brodie III. 1980. Differential avoidance of mimetic salamanders by free-ranging birds: The effect of temperature. Science 208:181–182. (Brodie et al. 1980)
Website National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 2000. Gulf of Mexico current data: 1990–1999. Available online at Accessed 14 February 2007. (NOAA 2000)
Book Conard, H.S., and P.J. Redfearn. 1979. How to Know the Mosses. Wm. C. Brown, Dubuque, IA. 302 pp. (Conrad & Redfearn 1979)
Report Lucas, T., G.S. Delittle III, P. Russel, and Y.-C. Lee. 2012. The herpetological diversity of Lower Falls Management Area. Special technical report. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Charleston, SC. 35 pp. (Lucas et al. 2012)

NE Naturalist website

What is an Annotated Bibliography?

An Annotated Bibliography is a list of citations for sources you plan to use in your project with an explanation of what each source will contribute to your work. For this paper, your Annotated Bibliography should include at least 4 sources. Two must be from "peer reviewed" literature, and the other two may come from other credible sources.

Each entry will include: 

  1. A bibliographic citation in NE Naturalist style format for the source
  2. A few sentences in your own writing describing "specifically what that particular reference will contribute to the presentation" (Greenwood 2022).

Additionally, follow these guidelines:

  1. References should be in A-Z order, just as they would appear in your References list.
  2. Your citations should have hanging indents (aka the first line is not indented, but subsequent lines are indented).
  3. Your annotations should be in paragraphs following each citation
  4. Your annotations should be indented.

*Hint: Library databases provide citations that you can copy and paste, and then check against one of the guides. Look for a Citation link, and then choose your style.

Example Citation & Annotation Formatting

Screenshot of a citation with hanging indent followed by a paragraph of Lorem ipsum text