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ANSC 200: Applied Animal Reproduction: Find Articles

Finding Articles From the Library Search

If you're looking only for articles--including scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles--use the dropdown menu beside the main search box to select "Articles."

choose articles in dropdown menu

Enter a few important subject-related keywords in the search box and hit the "Search" button.

Search Tips

Use Operators and Key Words

Key words are concrete specific words that tell the library search what you need. Unlike searching on Google, you can't type a full sentence. Select just the important words. 

Connect those words with operators.

  • AND - Narrows search results by filtering for results that only contain both terms
    • EX: Bovine Brucellosis AND control
  • OR - Broadens search by retrieving results with either search term 
    • EX: Cow OR Cattle OR Bovine
  • NOT - Narrows search by excluding results that contain certain terms
    • EX: Brucellosis NOT human

Sources on the Open Web

Images Licensed for Use

  1. The American Society of Animal Sciences provides an Image Gallery.
    • This site is designed to provide images, animations, and video for classroom and outreach learning. To supplement the visual information, each file has a description and metadata including the origins and ownership for the image.
  2. From Google Image search select Usage Rights > Creative Commons
    • This is a simple way for people to publish their work online, licensed to be used in other projects. You will have to attribute the image with a citation.​
  3. Other sites for free high-quality photographs