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AGRN 335 - Agricultural Chemicals: Library Sources

Finding Articles From the Library Search

If you're looking only for articles--including scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles--use the dropdown menu beside the main search box to select "Articles."

choose articles in dropdown menu

Enter a few important subject-related keywords in the search box and hit the "Search" button.

Possible Search Terms

Enter 2-4 search terms into your database of choice. Connect your search terms with "AND" to get the best results.


General search terms:




"insect control"

"control methods"


Specific search terms:

Name of specific insect

Name of specific pesticide

Name of specific crop 

Agricultural Databases

A database is an online collection of articles that you can search by topic or keyword.  Databases are great sources for articles because much of the material in library databases is the high quality, scholarly research material  that most professors want.  Most of our databases offer links to the full text of articles. 

All of the databases listed on this page are also available through the Van Wagenen Library website.

Books at Cobleskill