Open Educational Resources (OER)

Creating an Open Educational Resource can be as easy as typing text into a word document and attaching appropriate credit for other people’s shared work. Once you have your content, find the digital publishing platform that works best for you (refer to the suggestions below). Once the work is complete, go through Creative Commons Licensing to set guidelines for how you plan to share your work and then select an appropriate platform. There are many sites that house open textbooks such as MERLOT II, OER Commons, Open Textbook Library or OpenStax. Please contact Faye Starman at (x5894) for more information.

Creating OER & Combining Licenses

Creative Commons License The OG Repository

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Tools for Remixing Content

Getting Started

In many cases, openly-licensed resources already exist on a given topic, and they may only need to be revised or remixed to suit the needs of a specific course. For instance, if an instructor wants to create an open textbook on research methods for psychology students, it might be simplest to start with an existing open textbook on research methods and then adapt it to include domain-specific examples from the field of psychology.

Creating New OER

Some instructors have taken the idea of Open Educational Resources and decided to create their own textbook, video, or other resource. If you decide to do the same, these are some items which might help.

If you’re considering developing an entirely new set of OER materials, or pursuing a heavy adaptation of an existing set, the following workflow process may help.

Creating New OER Flow Chart Image - Open-NYS

Download a copy here

Creative Commons License Billy Meinke
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Revisions by SUNY OER Services 5/2017.

Creative Commons Search

Search the web with Creative Commons filtered search engine to find web sites, articles, videos, images, and other resources licensed for sharing.