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Circulation Policies & Forms: General Policies

Equipment Loans

A variety of equipment is available for check-out from the Circulation Desk, including:

  • Laptops
  • Digital SLR cameras
  • Digital camcorders
  • Microphone Kits
  • Tripods
  • Headphones
  • Calculators (graphing & scientific)
  • Kindles (2-week loan!)
  • Projectors
  • Screens
  • Lighting kits
  • Light tables
  • Adapters for headphones for the record player

Equipment is to be used for educational purposes only.  A COBYcard is required for checking out all equipment.

Some equipment is restricted to faculty use only.  Some is restricted to particular classes each semester.  Others may require a signed permission slip from the faculty member prior to use. These slips are available at the Circulation Desk.

The loan period varies on the equipment; most circulate for 7 days. Equipment overdue for 30 days will be declared lost and incur replacement fees on the borrowing account.

Some equipment requires instruction prior to use. Usually the faculty member involved will give the instruction.

The borrower is responsible for returning all equipment on time and in good condition. Any damage, including if the item is lost or stolen, is the responsibility of the borrower.

Fine Appeals Policy

Why does the Library charge fines and/or fees for late or lost items?

Fines are used to reinforce the loan period limits so that materials are available after a reasonable time for other patrons to use.  Fees for lost items are used to cover the cost of replacement.

How much are fines for overdue items?

Fines vary based on your relationship to the college; please see the students, faculty & staff, and community members tabs for fines that may apply to you for overdue items.

Lost items will be billed for the maximum fine (if applicable), a processing fee of $5, and the replacement cost of the item.

How does one appeal a fine?

All appeals must be made through a fine/fee appeal form, available at the Circulation desk in the Library.  Forms should be submitted to staff on duty at the Circulation desk.  Please attach copies of any supporting documentation (doctors' notes, etc.) which may help clarify any extenuating circumstances.

When must appeals be submitted by?

Appeals of overdue fines must be made within two weeks of incurring the fine.

In general, fines or fees will not be waived for the following reasons:

  • Not knowing Library policy
  • Disagreement with fine/fee structure
  • Material loaned to a third party
  • Items returned by a third party for a patron
  • Not receiving or receiving late any reminder notices
  • Disregarding a recall request for an item
  • Returning items to libraries other than the Van Wagenen Library
  • Being off campus
  • Forgetting the due date
  • Semester breaks, vacations, exams, etc.
  • Failure to update contact information with the Library
  • Item returned by mail and it arrived late or not at all

How will I be notified of the result of my appeal?

You will be notified via email within seven days of receipt of the appeals from.